Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives
International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions


Mr M'hammed Abdennabaoui
 - First President
Cour de Cassation, Rue Al Bondoq, Riad, Rabat, Pachalik de Rabat, Préfecture de Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, 10104, Maroc

1. Composition and structure

Number of members:

93 presidents of chamber, 61 councillors, 32 general attorneys.

Recruitment procedures and incompatibilities:

Supreme Court councillors are recruited among magistrates having reached first level rank.

Internal organisation:

The Supreme Court is organised in 5 chambers (civil, commercial, criminal, social, administrative, personnel status and inheritance law), a prosecutor department and court clerks.

Publications  (yearly reports, reviews…):

Bulletin of information; Annual Report; Cahiers de la Cour and Revue of jurisprudence of the Supreme Court.



2. Jurisdictional attributions and advice

2.1. Court functions


The Supreme court rules on: 1. Appeals of decisions of first tier pronounced by all the jurisdictions of the kingdom. 2. Proceedings of annulment for abuse of power against the decisions of the Prime Minister. 3. Appeal of acts and decisions exceeding judges' powers and competence. 4. Proceedings against magistrates. 5. Dispossessions due to public order measures and on the interest to a good administration. 6. Appeals against the decisions of the administrative courts (Administrative chamber).

Organisation of the courts system:

The courts system is formed by: courts of districts, 1st tier tribunals, Courts of Appeal and specialized jurisdictions (administrative and trade tribunals).

Powers of the judge (annulment, reversal, compensation,…):

The judge has the power of annulment, reform and compensation.


2.2. Advisory functions

Existence and extent of an advisory authority :

The Supreme Court does not have advisory authority.



3. Various remarks

Notwithstanding the creation of specialized tribunals, the Moroccan judicial system is unitary. The Supreme Court reviews the decisions of all jurisdictions: ordinary and specialized.

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