Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives
International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions

Activities of the members

Council of State of Belgium

On November 21 and 22, 2024, the Council of State of Belgium hosted, for the first time outside the premises of the Court of Justice of the European Union where this event is usually held, the 7th Annual Meeting of Correspondents of the European Union Judicial Network (EUJN).

On this occasion, the President of the Court, Mr. Koen Lenaerts, and the Network's correspondents were welcomed at the Council of State and the Belgian University Foundation for a welcome drink and a convivial dinner. The study day took place the following day in the European Commission building, focusing on the themes “The Future of Cooperation within the Network” and “The Application of the Principle of Consistent Interpretation by National Judges.”

Federal Tribunal of Administrative Justice of Mexico

"On the occasion of the commemoration of International Women's Day on March 8, 2023, the presiding magistrate pointed out the importance of comprehensive policies for gender equality within the institution over which he presides.

During the commemorative event organized by the Tribunal's Gender Equality Commission, the commitment of the presidency of the administrative body to the prevention and eradication of violence against women was highlighted; to generate safe spaces to develop professionally.

As part of the 20th Anniversary of the Chiapas Regional Chamber of this Tribunal, Chief Justice Guillermo Valls Esponda traveled to estate of Chiapas for the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in the presence of retired judge Alejandro Sánchez Hernández, who inaugurated the aforementioned chamber.

He highlighted the importance of the Chiapas Regional Chamber as a reference for the administration of justice in the country.  The event was held at the University Theater of the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas."

Supreme People's Court of China

Chinese courts have played a big role in supervising governments in the performance of their duties over the past decade, with unceasing efforts in helping the country promote law-based governance, China's top court said.

About 10 years ago, residents often complained it was difficult to see officials attend case hearings, although they were named as defendants by courts.

The problem, however, has been much alleviated since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, especially after the Supreme People's Court issued a judicial interpretation urging government agencies to participate in administrative case hearings.

Since 2012, courts across the country heard more than 2.35 million lawsuits against government departments, 2.27 million of which have been concluded according to statistics released by the top court at the sixth national work meeting on administrative trials on Wednesday.

The statistics showed officials came to court to attend some 65.4 percent of cases in 2021, with government agencies in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province participating in all lawsuits in which they were sued over the past three years.

In addition, courts in Shanxi, Hubei, Anhui provinces and the Tibet autonomous region also have taken measures to urge officials to appear during trials to ensure administrative disputes could be solved more efficiently.

In September, the Shanxi High People's Court issued a report revealing courts across the province filed 11,131 administrative cases in 2021, up 39.4 percent year-on-year, indicating legal awareness among residents has been enhanced.

Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand - Publication

The Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand drafted a document dedicated to the background of the establishment of administrative court chambers in the Lao People's Demoratic Republic. The ebook has been published online : LoaEN (

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