Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives
International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions

Board meeting and Ankara seminar (Octobre 2-3, 2023)

10 October 2023

On October 2, 2023, the Board of the Association met at the Türkiye State Council in Ankara.

During the meeting, the Board members approved the membership applications of the Supreme Court of Albania, the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil and the Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria. With these three new memberships, the Association now comprises 65 supreme administrative jurisdictions.

After the Board meeting, a seminar was organized on the theme of the Judicial review of the acts of the independant administrative autorities. This thematic seminar gathered about forty magistrates from the Association's member jurisdictions.

The seminar was opened by a speech from Mr Zeki Yiğit, President of the Council of State of Türkiye, and a speech from the President of the Association, Mrs Angela Vivanco Martinez (from the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile). Mr Emre Erman (member of the Council of State of Türkiye) then presented a summary of the answers of the jurisdictions to the preparatory questionnaire sent to them.

This was followed by two discussion sessions. The first, moderated by Mr. Hasan Gül (President of Chamber at the Council of State of Türkiye), focused on the development of independent administrative authorities, their areas of intervention and their competencies. The session concluded with a report by Mr. Luigi Carbone (President of Chamber at the Council of State of Italy).

The second session was moderated by Mr. Mohammed Bennaceur (President of the Algerian Council of State), and discussions were guided by a report from Mr. Yves Donzallaz (President of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court). It focused on the procedural particularities of the control of acts of independent administrative authorities and its exercise.

Discussions focused on the scope of judicial review and the procedural particularities of appeals against independent administrative acts.

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