Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives
International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions


 - Chief Justice
Shaarey Mishpat St. Kiryat David Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem

1. Composition and structure

Number of members:


Recruitment procedures and incompatibilities:

Appointment by an independent committee for selection of judges established by one of the Basic Laws, i.e. the Law on the Judiciary. This committee is composed of 2 ministers (including the Minister of Justice who is also its chairman), 2 members of Parliament, 2 lawyers and 3 justices of the Supreme Court (including the president)

Internal organization:

Most matters are judged by a bench of three judges. Certain procedural matters are adjudicated before one Justice, while more important cases may be held before a bench of five or more.


Selected judgments (Hebrew) - five volumes yearly.



2. Jurisdictional attributions and advice

2.1. Court functions


a) Supreme Court of civil appeals;
b) Supreme Court of criminal appeals;
c) Supreme Court of administrative appeals;
d) High Court of Justice: the Court judges in this case administrative and constitutional matters.

Organization of the courts system :

Last instance in a) b) and (c), first and last instance in d). The Court can, in some extraordinary cases, increase the number of Justices in the information for a rehearing.

Powers of the judge (annulment, reversal, compensation, etc...) :

Reversal, annulment, affirmation, denial of appeal or petition, indemnities, mandatory and prohibitory injunctions, etc...


2.2. Advisory functions



3. Various remarks

Justices serve as Chairman of Commissions of inquiry and of the Central Parliamentary Election Board.

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