Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives
International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions


Mr Daniel Mekobe Sone
 - First President
Judicial High Court and Supreme Court, Rue 3.015, Centre Administratif, Yaoundé III, Yaoundé, Mfoundi, Région du Centre, Cameroun

1. Composition and structure

Number of members :



Recruitment procedures and incompatibilities

a) Recruitment:
Decree n° 95/048 of 8 Mars 1995 on the statute of Magistracy (Section II): they are civil servants, holders of Master in Law and graduates of the national School of administration and magistracy (ENAM), Magistracy Section of the Judicial Division with at least 15 years of experience.

b) Incompatibilities:
Decree n° 95/048 of 8 Mars 1995 on the statute of Magistracy: Section 15:

  • The exercise of all commercial or industrial activities or employment in these sectors (NB: However the Head of state may appoint or authorize the appointment in a parapublic commercial establishment in which the state owns part of the capital).
  • Auxiliary of Justice, especially Barrister, public notary or bailiff

Decree n° 95/048 of 8 Mars 1995 on the statute of Magistracy: Section 16:

  • Spouses, parents and close relatives cannot simultaneously be members of the same Bench of the Court


Publications :

  • Annual reports of the Supreme Court
  • Chronological repertory of the Supreme Court



2. Jurisdictionnal attributions and advice

Court functions


Section 40 of the Constitution, Section 38 of law n° 2006/016 of 29 December 2006 fixing the organization and functioning of the Supreme Court:

  • Appeals against decisions handed down in regional and council election disputes
  • Appeals against final decisions handed down by lower courts on administrative litigation
  • Preliminary objection raised in cases of assault and battery before Lower courts in administrative litigation
  • All other matters expressly devolving on it by law


Organisation of Court system:

Section 40 of the Constitution.
It is the highest jurisdiction in administrative matters. It has sovereign powers

Powers of the judge:

Annulment, reversal, compensation


Advisory functions



3. Various remarks

Pending the setting up of the courts created by law n° 2006/022 of 29 December 2009, section 119 of this same law provides that the Administrative Bench of the Supreme Court shall continue to hear and determine all matters relating to administrative litigations. To this effect, magistrates who have heard a matter at first instance no longer take part in hearing it on appeal.

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