Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives
International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions

Ceremony for the installation of the president and vice-president of the Federal Administrative Court of Germany

28 March 2023

On 17 February 2023, the installation ceremony of the new President of the Federal Administrative Court of Germany, Prof Dr. Andreas Korbmacher, and the new Vice-President, Dr. Susanne Rublack, took place at the Federal Administrative Court of Germany, sitting in Leipzig.

Dr. Susanne Rublack served as AIHJA's auditor from 2016 to 2022.

The Secretary General of the Association, Mrs. Martine de Boisdeffre, attended the event, which was organized at the invitation of the Federal Minister of Justice, Dr. Marco Buschmann.

After speeches by the President of the Council of Judges, Mrs. Katharina Harms, the Minister of Justice, the Prime Minister of the State of Saxony, Mr. Michael Kretschmer, and the Mayor of Leipzig, Mr. Burkhard Jung, President Korbmacher took the floor.

In his speech, President Korbmacher emphasised in particular the task of the administrative court to provide independent legal control of administrative action and public authorities in order to protect the rights of individuals.

The Federal Administrative Court of Germany will celebrate its 70th anniversary on June, 8, 2023.

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