The International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions held its 14th Triennial Congress from 20 to 22 June 2022. Organised in Brussels by the Council of State of Belgium, which has held the presidency of the Association since 2019, the theme of the Congress was 'The role of administrative courts during the covid-19 crisis'.
The Congress was opened by Roger Stevens, First President of the Council of State of Belgium and President of IASAJ. His speech was followed by an address by Didier Reyners, European Commissioner for Justice, who gave a European perspective on the theme chosen for the Congress.
The participating magistrates then met in several working groups to discuss how the courts adapted their working methods and organisation to the health crisis, as well as the judgments handed down during this period.
The Board and the General Assembly met on this occasion. The Board approved the membership applications of the Supreme Court of Estonia and the Supreme Court of Latvia.
During the closing ceremony, Annelies Verlinden, Belgian Minister of the Interior, gave a speech on the measures taken to combat the pandemic and the institutional reforms of the Belgian justice system currently underway.
At the end of the Congress, the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile took over the Presidency of the Association. The Supreme Court will organise the next Congress of the Association in Santiago de Chile in 2025.
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